Members of the Burial Group of the NLJC are available to help you with the decisions to be taken and the procedures, which have to be completed following a bereavement. They can help as much or as little as you like in making the necessary arrangements and will help ensure that nothing important is over looked. Please feel free to contact a member of the Burial Group.
There are some things you will need to consider including legal procedures, which you will need to follow.
1. You must obtain a death certificate. If the death was in hospital then the bereavement office will be able to help you; if it was at home your GP will issue a certificate. Check when you can collect the certificate. If the person has died in hospital, a care home or other similar place, please also insert the address and telephone number.
In some circumstances the coroner has to be informed of a death and the hospital or your GP will tell you how to obtain the certificate.
2. You also need an authority for disposal of the body, which the Registrar will issue, and for cremation the relevant certificate.
In Norwich, the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages has two offices at:
- County Hall, Martineau Lane NR1 2DQ
- Earlham Library, Colman Road NR4 7HG (part time)
There is an online appointment booking system on the Norfolk County Council website to book an appointment to register a death or you can call 0344 800 8020 to book an appointment. See links to Norfolk County Council website below.
3. You will need the services of an undertaker. Allcock Family Funeral Services, Falcon House, 96a City Road, Norwich NR1 2HD (Tel: 01603 766996) is familiar with the requirements for Jewish funerals. See a link to their website below.
4. The person registering the death will also be the responsible person for liaising directly with the Norwich City Council cemetery office and, in time, the stonemason.
5. Your relative will, hopefully, have told you of his/her funeral preferences; we hope information of those preferences will have been lodged with the Burial Group.
6. A member of the Burial Group will guide you through the details of organising the funeral and will assist with the arrangements if required. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Norfolk County Council Registrar’s main internet page
Norfolk County Council Registrar’s internet page for information about registering a death
Allcock Family Funeral Services web site
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(Revised June 2022)