Dear Rabbi Anna, Members and Friends,
At last…and what a simcha it was! Oren Frazer’s Bar Mitzvah took place on Saturday 30th October. There were about 40 present at the OMH and more joined in via Zoom.
Oren’s reading from the Torah was perfect and was matched by a heartfelt speech, in which he spoke movingly about his concern for the environment and the need for urgent action. To that end, he announced he would be donating 10% of the value of his Bar Mitzvah gifts to an environmental organisation. What a mensch! Seven family members from the U-S were in the congregation, and much nachas was had by all.

On Sunday 21st, we are having our Chanukah Fayre at the Forum in Norwich. This has not only been one of our main fundraising events, but a way to raise our profile with the general population of the city. It is also an opportunity for our members to socialise during the planning of the event and while running the stalls.
However, hiring the space in The Forum is expensive. This year the charge is £210, which significantly reduces the income. The NLJC Council has asked me to write to you all to see if you would consider making a financial contribution to the hire of the venue. Perhaps those who have been unable to supply items to sell or raffle, and those unable to be there on the day, would care to assist in this way.
A lot of gantse machers (influential movers and shakers) are putting a great deal of effort into this, so please do support this enjoyable social event with donations and your presence. And after all, it is for the benefit of the NLJC as a whole. Sponsors will receive an item from the Fayre in appreciation. Remember-We Need Your Support!
To keep you updated- NLJC Council has discussed the responses from NHC to our questions. We’re now working on an agreed and comprehensive response in advance of face-to-face discussions with NHC representatives, to be arranged.
Rabbi Anna’s penultimate service weekend will be on 12th/13th November.
Her last service with us will be on the weekend of 3rd/4th December, a week earlier than our usual service weekend. Please do come to the OMH or join in via Zoom to say ‘thank you’ for her warm and enthusiastic input to NLJC.
You will be receiving a separate email about the progress in finding a successor for Rabbi Anna. Student Rabbi Hannah Altorf will be leading an ‘extra’ service for us on Saturday 18th December. It’s an opportunity for you to see her in action, and for her to meet us. We urge you to join us on the 18th, in person or on Zoom. Council would welcome your feedback – please email Sarah or me.
Philip Lawrence