Dear Members, Friends and Everyone,
Firstly, thank you for the many (unexpected by me) kind messages that we received when several council members were unwell and unable to help out. Thank you also for bearing with us through such a difficult time. I’m pleased to say all are improving. It’s been tiring, takes its toll, and slows things down. We are now more able get on with things and make contact about NLJC business, including such things as the proposal from NHC, though there’s a bit of catching up to do.
Unbelievably, it’s nearly a whole year since we met, in person, at services. Twelve months since we have a hug, clasped hands & said, “Shabbat Shalom,” face to face. There is no doubt that virtual services have helped our community in many ways. It has not been easy but we have adapted.
People who don’t live near Norwich have more easily attended services and events, and some initiatives were started as I mentioned last month. Don’t forget that everyone is welcome to all the service and events. Please contact me or another council member if you need help accessing them. It would be lovely to hear from you and see everyone.
We will continue to remember those whom we have sadly lost over the past year. Thank you Byron for your care in keeping track; helping all of us to remember. We miss seeing Stuart, particularly photographing at all our events, and plan to create a Jewish calendar for next year in Stuart’s memory, which may also raise much needed funds.
The second Jewish new year was just celebrated with a lovely Tu Bishvat — Rosh Hashanah of the Trees. It’s a more environmental festival these days, with much symbolism and many different fruits. Just right to help lift people during this constantly disrupted time. We hope next year we’ll be able to truly celebrate it together. We’re very fortunate to have community members who can share with leading festivals with Rabbi Anna. Thank you Kim for this, and all you do to support our community. We do appreciate everything that anyone is able to do to support our NLJC.
The end of March, a new year for the NLJC Council, also comes up shortly. Our virtual AGM will take place, on 24 March. We’ll review the past year and look to the future. The necessary information for this AGM will be sent out shortly.
NLJC thrives when we participate and work together in various ways. All of us have skills and experience. You do not have to do a huge amount; it’s possible to help as much or as little as you’re able to – with time-limited or longer-term projects, on your own or with someone else, perhaps on Council. I and all on Council look forward to being in contact with you all.
Sarah Boosey