“Summertime, an’ the livin’ is easy…”
Well, Summer is most definitely here, even though it is raining lightly as I write. But is the living easy? Many may be anticipating summer holidays even more keenly now, and the longer evenings certainly help me wind down more calmly at the end of each inevitably tiring day. But the brighter mornings bring me real joy.
Dawn walks with our dog Rashi give me the opportunity to ease gently into the day, while experiencing genuine stillness accompanied by nature’s morning melodies.
I have become quite expert at anticipating the different types of birdsong along the way. The intoxicating thrill of the skylarks overhead, or the constant seesawing song of the chiffchaffs in the little copse at the end of the field. And then the yellowhammers and the blackcaps boldly declaring their presence from the uppermost branches of the ash trees. And finally the busy family of long tailed tits that flit about cheerfully amongst the blackthorn bushes. This music is nothing more or less than a celebration of life and vitality which I feel privileged to share every morning.
As a community, we will be doing our fair share of singing and celebrating in the month ahead. On 8 June, we celebrate Charlotte’s Bat Mitzvah – I know the whole family has been preparing intensely for the special day. Please join us, if you can, to make it an especially memorable occasion.
And as Sarah said in a recent email to us all, “It’s nearly time to make Shavuot!” The joint Tikkun Leyl Shavuot with the Norwich Hebrew Congregation promises to be another entertaining evening with our friends at the NHC. It will undoubtedly provide moments for reflection, learning and debate accompanied by plenty of cheesecake!
Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas about how to mark our community’s 30th anniversary later this year. – and thank you to Annie, Deborah, Joanna and Ruth for what they have done to help us contribute to Lily’s Legacy. They have also provided their own update for this newsletter.
Last week, I was in a small group that welcomed the Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain (or the Papal ambassador), Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, to the Norwich Synagogue. He
extended his good wishes to all at NLJC. And in July, I shall be representing the community at a multi-faith conference entitled “Spirituality, Vulnerability and Safeguarding” at which we will explore the themes of difference and commonality.
My best wishes to all for the summer ahead Peter