Again it’s been an eventful month most particularly the news that Rabbi Leah is going to Israel in the summer. Of course we all knew that she couldn’t stay forever but as I reflect on her time with us, there is so much to celebrate. Our membership has almost doubled we have had more mitzvot than I could possibly count and we know we can rely on her warmth, spirituality and calm compassionate leadership. She’s going to be a hard act to follow.
However, on a positive note I’m sure we are delighted for Leah that she is able to pursue her dream and study in Israel for a year. This will be made even more special as her sister Claire will be there too and I know how close they are. She will take with her our love our thanks and our admiration.
Peter and I have been working on a job description and person spec for the new rabbi and I’m assured by LJ that there are plenty of people who would like to become our rabbi. Apparently our community is regarded highly in Liberal Jewish circles!
Aside from that, I hope people enjoyed Danny Rich’s visit. He always offers something different and I particularly enjoyed our discussions on the Friday night about the stoning of a young child. In turn he emailed me afterwards and said how much he had enjoyed being up with us.
We have our AGM coming up very shortly on Wednesday March 21st at 7.00pm. Leah will be spending the day up here with her parents who will be over from the States. She’s hoping for good weather. Last time they were all in Norfolk it poured with rain and they couldn’t appreciate our beautiful county in its full glory.
We are a welcoming community and our monthly service is on the weekend of 9th & 10th of March, either for Engaging with Judaism in the Peill Room on the Friday night or for Helen’s admission on Shabbat morning. Or perhaps at both. Enjoy the warmth and sunshine and watching the spring flowers come out. Our crocuses have survived the snow, something to smile about!