Dear Rabbi Anna, Members and Friends,
Our High Holy Days services were a great success despite Covid restrictions, and because of the participation and contributions of each of you! Our Rosh Ha’Shanah services were ‘home-grown’ and took place in person and on Zoom on the 6/7th of September. Linda Albin, Alan Joseph and I shared the Torah reading. The technology worked remarkably well for those attending via Zoom. A big thank you to Annie and Sarah for their planning!
Rabbi Anna led our Yom Kippur services, the highlights of which were cellist John Mudd’s playing of Bruch’s Kol Nidre and Anna’s chant of the sacred prayer, the expression of repentance for all those unfulfilled vows. 14 congregants present in the OMH and a further 16 joined via Zoom. On Yom Kippur numbers varied throughout the day, but were generally about 16 present in person and a similar number joining in via Zoom. The afternoon service was led by Alan Joseph, who read the entire Torah portion himself. “Yasher Koach”. A very thought provoking study session was taken by Michael Frazer.
As I mentioned last month, NLJC Council submitted written questions concerning the NHC proposal to their committee. A written response has now been received. This was discussed by the NLJC Council at the end of September. I now envisage that we will have further discussions with NHC representatives. We’ll keep you updated.
Philip Lawrence