It’s the time of year when we have taken stock. Unusually,
the weather had got considerably cooler and wetter and some
days have felt decidedly autumnal. But the High Holy Days
were warm and bright. I’m told that this isn’t unusual.
We had an excellent service with Elliott in August and
I felt his question and answer sermon about the current situation
in Israel, worked really well. It was lovely to have Leah back
with us on the first weekend 2nd September. We had an impressive
weekend. On Sunday the 3rd – simultaneously doing a fundraising
car boot sale and a clean up of the Old Meeting House.
We had a good annual joint Heritage Open Day with people from
the Norwich Hebrew Congregation, (NHC). Thank you to
Byron and Maureen for the excellent updating of the display boards,
which tell about the history of the Jewish communities in Norwich.
These are well worth a look and are stored at the NHC.
On Saturday September 16th, Emily led our Selichot and
we contemplated the auspicious time from Rosh Hashana
to Yom Kippur. As always, it was a thoughtful and contemplative
session helping us to get in the zone for the High Holy Days. We
considered forgiveness of ourselves and others.
We then moved onto the High Holy Days which will be followed by
our now traditional interfaith Sukkot. This is being held on October 7th
this year so we need to start collecting fruit nets in which we hang
the produce. We already have a number of people of different faiths and
none who are joining us for the service. See the events listing if you want to come along.
Also, Dee Robinson from New Routes Integration will be talking about her work with incomers
to Norwich.
Please do get in touch if you have any queries or are interested in attending services.