It’s a couple of months since I’ve up-dated everyone. Now that the Hanukah, Chanukah, Hanukkah, Chanukkah Fayre happened I’m sitting down with my laptop.
It’s been busy in the Community over the past months with 4 special events, as well as the High Holy Days and Services.This includes 2 ‘firsts’. Both were joint events –Tikkun Leil Shavuot with Norwich Hebrew Congregation & a service with the Suffolk Liberal Community. We’re thinking of having them annually! The joint service was in September, but is likely to be in different month as September is full up for us with High Holy Days. An engaging Selichot was also led by community members.
Two other larger events helped us to continue to grow together as a community & to get better known in Norfolk. Our 25th Anniversary Open Day was exceptional. Dignitaries & a diversity of other people were there. It was up-lifting and memorable, & Rabbi Leah made our Jewish service accessible to all. We hope to have similar events in future. Many members, friends & their children (young people) helped with preparation & on the day.
You may also recall, a 2013 first at Jessopp Road URC, in the church hall. What was it? The Hanukah Fayre! I was really anxious about it; we didn’t have loads of publicity. It was a try out. However, we learned a lot from this enjoyable success. So let’s do one at the Forum! I said “Oy vay!!” If I was anxious last time I was terrified this time. Well our 2nd Hanukah Fayre was even more successful! We can even make an additional donation to our chosen charities: Norwich Foodbank & Maayan BaBustan, in Israel. Even more members, friends & young people of the community helped. We’ll learn more & do it better next time!
It’s great for Community people to volunteer for the Community – we encourage people to participate. It makes for good community and growing.
Please access the rest of the website for more details & information on the following internal & external events (CCJ, LJ, Interfaith Link, etc)
December Friday 12th – Engaging with Judaism – About Chanukah
Shabbat 13th – Cheder, Shabbat morning Service, Kiddush
Wednesday 17th – Chanukah Party in the Peill Room
January Friday 9th – Engaging with Judaism – Topic to be confirmed
Shabbat 10th – Cheder, Shabbat morning Service, Kiddush
Thursday 15th – Joan Goodman Memorial Lecture
Tuesday 27th Holocaust Memorial Day Service
Before I sign off I must tell you about an important happening: a local campaign to resettle 50 Syrian refugees in Norfolk. It’s co-ordinated by a local multi-faith, multi-ethnic group of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Syrian people, people of no faith, or not in any group, not by Norwich Liberal Jewish Community, though individuals have been involved. It’s associated with Citizens UK national campaign. An open meeting took place on Shabbat 6th December in front of St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich. Local councillors were met & asked to take this forward. There’s publicity in the EDP, Sunday Times & elsewhere.
We do look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at our services, festivals and other events. If you have any queries please do feel free to contact me on 01362 694017 or 07460 849472 or
Shavuah Tov,
Sarah Boosey, Chairperson