It’s hard to believe that it’s over 6 months since Rosh HaShanah. The year goes round and round.
In April we enjoyed a lovely community seder, led by Rabbi Leah, with over 40 of us attending or pitching in. We also raised some money and food donations for our chosen charity – Norwich Foodbank. I think the Mangreen Trust will be a (very) suitable place for our Passover seders for some time to come. The location is beautiful, Naomi and William very welcoming and helpful, and the atmosphere is comfortable. I know that they offer conference facilities for other events, too.
We continue to have our monthly Engaging with Judaism, Cheder, and Shabbat morning Services through June and July. Please do not hesitate to get in touch for more information.
We are also having several exciting, interesting and important events in the next 6 months, some of which are noted below. Please access our website regularly for further information & event dates and times, as well as making personal contact with us.
Rabbi Danny Rich (CEO of Liberal Judaism) will lead Engaging with Judaism & a Service in July. Also in July, I’m pleased we’ve been able to arrange for Rabbi Margaret Jacobi to come to Norwich (from Birmingham) to give a talk: “Are Liberal Jews Heretics?” (Monday 1st July @ 7:30 at the Peill Room). Please let me know if you want to come along.
In addition to Services and Festivals, we have, so far, planned two larger events in October and November to raise both our profile and some funds for Norwich Liberal Jewish Community. Community time and material donations will be much appreciated:
– Saturday, 18th October Open Day at OMH for 25th Anniversary of PJCEA now Norwich Liberal Jewish Community. More details will follow.
– Sunday 30 November at the Forum, our 2nd Hanukah Fayre in the afternoon. Jessica led this last year and did a splendid job. She’s offered to lead again! So far, proposed stands are Liberal Judaism, Judaica, plants, cards & photographs, music, tombola, café, crafts, and knitted goods.
We welcome contact and involvement in our Liberal Jewish Community.
Sarah Boosey,
Norwich Liberal Jewish Community
Tel: 07460849472