I can’t believe another month has gone by – with all this hot weather; the weeks just seem to fly past. A couple of weeks ago I got a surprise package through the post – a chair’s award from LJ.
“Annie Henriques of Norwich Liberal Jewish Community for her involvement in the unprecedented dynamism and growth of the Norwich community. The panel were particularly inspired by her involvement in Norfolk’s refugee resettlement programme.”
I’d like to blame Leah for some of our success! I very much have Meike to thank for our involvement with the refugee resettlement programme and am pleased to say that I have got to know one of the Syrian families who moved here. I’m using the Cook for Syria cookbook – it’s brilliant.
Aside from this, we said a very sad farewell to Leah who left for Israel. She will be writing a blog and will send me the link as soon as she gets going. She’s going to be living with her sister Claire who will be studying Arabic, so it’s going to be a really special time for the two of them.
We also had a lovely shared service with the Suffolk Community in July. Beverley, their chair, found us the perfect venue and the service was brilliantly led by Nick supported by Kim and Sam. There was a really good atmosphere and the shared lunch afterwards was a good opportunity to get to know one another better.
Freddie has been having a wonderful time on the Israel tour and is due back shortly. Meanwhile Max is working hard on his parsha and Kim has been supporting him. Thanks Kim, what would we do without you! Kim has also been working hard with Philip to prepare the High Holy Day services.
We have Elliott Karstadt coming on Saturday, 11th August so please try and come along to welcome him back to Norwich. This is the third summer he’s visited us and his sermons are always really thought provoking.
Meanwhile keep enjoying this glorious weather – I had a sea swim at Cley today and the water was incredibly warm! Aren’t we blessed to live in Norfolk!