I want to start by thanking everyone who contributed
towards the wonderful Seder at Mangreen.
It was great that Rabbi Leah’s family there and a good time was had
by all. We had a full mid-May service weekend.
Richard Conradi came to lead our “Dying Matters”
discussion on Friday night, 7 o’clock in the Peill room with some
nosh and then down to business.
On Saturday we celebrated Meike and Joel coming to
the end of their time as Ba’alei Tefillah students and they will
be joining Emily as our senior group of lay readers. If anyone
wants to start the training in the Autumn, please talk to any of
them about it – I’m sure they’ll tell you what a worthwhile
experience it is. Joel lead the service with Rabbi Leah
We also welcomed Dave McKellar
into our community, in fact he is visited the Beth Din 10th
May. We have a very full summer programme and we welcome
contacts if you want more information or have any queries.
Annie (0776 4170652 or 07460849472)