So, the High Holy Days have passed. We approach the new year ahead in the wish that 5781 brings us greater hope, security and wellbeing than the year that has passed.
The services over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were marvellously orchestrated and choreographed by Anna, our new Rabbi. Thank you Anna. It was a delight to share these services with our friends at Suffolk and Peterborough Liberal Communities, and at BKY.
Thank you to all who read and sang or contributed in other ways to make these services thoughtful and uplifting. Particular thanks to Venetia for generously enabling us to Zoom our services and to Steven for sending out the links; to Linda and Lily for their singing, to Alan and Debbie for hosting the Torah scroll and to Kim for helping coordinate arrangements.
From Yom Kippur, we move swiftly on to Sukkot. The celebration of Sukkot has been marked by precisely the kind of weather you would not wish for –- persistent rain and wind are not comforting bed fellows when sheltering under your sukkah. This is a salutary reminder that many millions across the world, including here in the UK, have no other option but to brave the elements, night and day.
Which brings me to our HHD appeal. As well as NLJC, the other beneficiary will be the Covid-19 Community Response Fund established by the Norfolk Community Foundation. It aims to support local charities working hard on the ground to keep vulnerable people safe and well. If you are able to make a donation, it would be most gratefully accepted.
Your council held its first meeting of the new year on Thursday to which we were delighted to welcome Rabbi Anna. The discussions were wide-ranging, and I am happy to notify you about our following plans.
Monthly Kabbalat Shabbat services, led by Rabbi Anna, will recommence on Friday 13 November. Zoom links will follow nearer the time.
Following the success of our collaboration over the HHDs with SLJC, Peterborough & BKY, we will be extending invitations to members of these communities for our future online services.
Rabbi Anna is putting together plans for online Hebrew lessons. Watch this space!
At a time when we are unable to meet as a community, we wanted to provide members with another opportunity to spend ‘virtual’ time together. To this end, we will be starting a monthly discussion forum on a topic of relevance to our Jewish lives. Our first evening will be on Wednesday 25 November at 7pm when Annie Henriques will talk about the Jews of India. Again, the Zoom link will follow. I do hope you can join us for what will be a fascinating subject. And if you have a topic of interest that you would like to share, please let Sarah Boosey know. We’d love to hear from you.
Our next meeting will be held on 12 November.
My best wishes to you all. Stay safe, warm and dry.
Peter Whear